
Diary Days 2024

This category contains 2 posts

Too Sweet Home… 08.01.2024

A week gone by. Has much changed, dear reader ? The adjustment back to work was negotiated with ease. What helps here is working ten feet from my bed, enjoying my job, and having some tremendous folk to work with. I say ‘work with’ in an abstract sense. Most of my chatter is through words on a screen. But it’s unusual to have close relationships with two people, one of whom I have only met three times and the other just the once. In case you are wondering, the former is in Yorkshire and the latter in Glasgow. This doesn’t mean to say that opportunities haven’t been there, but it is a legacy of my rather debilitating social and travel anxiety that the opportunities haven’t been realised. I still hold to the hope that it will change as I love them dear.

All this said, we have spent many, many hours talking by video stream. Not just about work but outside of that too. So, as much as we see things in an artificial sense, strong relationships can be fostered this way. My hope is that a magic morning will occur and I will be on my way up the M1 without fear or concern. Till then I continue to enjoy their company from the comfort of the battered old office chair.

But talking about getting out, the short local walks have been especially cold. The winter is setting in and the will often withers. I have been thinking of ways to circumvent this. As I hastily minced the half mile block walk this morning, and the biting wind, I heard the din coming from the playground I would have been crashing around in myself 50 years ago. It reminded me of what a woos I must be. Them, not a care in the world, me bothered by a light dusting of snow. There’s no excuse really. Ten years ago I would cover four miles a day on my split working shifts but now the room is too warm, the office so convenient, and the kettle asking to be put on. Who will release me from this cycle of apathy ?

The thoughts have inevitably turned to trying to get out more. I think recording my weekly thoughts helps. I see where I am doing more, I see where I am doing less. But the photos of this week show home and its surrounds. Given that I take so much joy in the immediate vicinity it bothers me little. But it would be nice to see some new scenery. There’s a lot of it out there.

All Is Quiet 01.01.2024

Having stayed up to watch the fireworks in London on the Beeb, a ritual which I’m sure I only do to take cosy comfort in knowing I’m not there, I found myself in bed rather late and thus rising equally as late. Each new year seems to be greeted with the same resolutions. To get out more, to look after myself better and generally little things that don’t count for much. My life is very simple, it’s much easier that way.

Last summer I decided that I wanted to make sure that I went out for a walk every day. A walk of at least a mile. Over a three month period I did exactly that. Something similar would be the idea for the first quarter of 2024, but was scuppered today by some really rotten weather. Putting it off to the evening hasn’t reaped any dividends. As I write this the rain is lashing against the window. I knew this might be an issue so no fixed resolution was made. The idea would be simply to get decent exercise where possible. Most days afford that.

Another idea was to take a picture of each day. It could be dull and (to others) featureless. But I think there is intrigue in every photograph. A story somewhere. Today’s, for me anyway, have a story behind them, real or imagined. And, of course, a desire to take pictures gets me out.

The first trip of the new year was a simple drive to Currys in Hove to get the new keyboard that writes this now. It was noticeable how quiet the roads were. If only it was always like that. No queues at traffic lights, no congestion, lovely. Of course, the hope is to see most of this year’s scenery on foot. Only time will tell.

So that’s it. Not much to report. Dull, quiet, and without incident. So, a good start to 2024. The way I like it.